Welcome to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway Permanent Way unofficial website.
The NYMR Permanent Way (Pway) Department is responsible for the NYMR heritage railway maintenance and renewal of the track, bridges, retaining walls and other infrastructure between Pickering & Grosmont. It is also responsible for the upkeep of the line-side and its boundaries. This involves keeping the vegetation under control and drainage courses clear.
At over 18 miles in length. Regularly operating additionally over the 6 miles of the national rail network from Grosmont into Whitby. It is one of the longest heritage railways in the country.
In terms of passenger numbers, NYMR is also one of the busiest. Operating an intensive timetable for a large part of the year, additionally utilising large locomotives and long trains. All of this activity places a great deal of wear and tear on the infrastructure.
This is where the Pway Department comes in. With a mixture of a small full time and broad background volunteer staff.

North Yorkshire Moors Railway Permanent Way Location.
The department is based in its own dedicated yard at New Bridge, half a mile from Pickering station. The site chose itself, as it is the only location on the railway that is suitable to receive and dispatch large lorries. These deliver track materials and ballast at regularly. Locomotives and carriages that are not certified for travelling over the network Esk Valley branch to Grosmont, arrive and depart from the yard similarly.

Also on site, a large two road covered workshop, one side contains a half- length inspection pit. This is used for the maintenance and repair of the various Rail Plant and Rail Wagon fleet. The cost for constructing this depot and fitting it out, met by the York Area Group of the NYMR. Principally from the proceeds of collecting waste paper, cardboard , glass and aluminium cans. This achieved largely before local councils involvement into recycling.

Opposite the yard, on the other side of the main running line, a compound, used for storing track parts. The inventory for this became computerised. Thus ensuring that the stock levels of strategic spares, such as fishplates, remains adequately maintained.

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