Plant Maintenance & Operation
In the early days of the infant NYMR, everything connected with trackwork was done manually, just like in Victorian times.
Gradually, over the years that have followed, mechanisation has been introduced, to ease the strain.
Initially, larger capacity cranes were acquired, which enabled complete track panels and larger components to be removed from or lifted into position. In more recent times, a Plasser & Theurer tamper (track alignment and levelling machine) and Sollinger Hutte ballast regulator, have been acquired, thus enabling a small number of personnel to carry out a task that used to require a large gang of twenty or so.
The NYMR is one of an enlightened few heritage railways that have pursued a policy of keeping this aspect of track maintenance and renewal work in house, instead of relying on rail industry contractors to carry out such work, with hired in machinery.
These ‘on track machines’ are complex in nature, relying on a mix of hydraulics, pneumatics, general electronics and computer control, all of which add to the challenge and the interest of maintain them, for the largely volunteer team that drive and operate them. A complete training, certification and assessment package has been designed and produced for these machines, based on the national network practice. This has been designed to encourage and expand the very limited number of driver/operators that we have at present. Could this be for you? Contact us and CLICK HERE.